Author: Grindstone (Auto translated from Turkish. If you like to read the Turkish version the link is at end of the topic)

What is Farming

First of all, I would like to touch on what farming is and what it does. While collecting on the map, instead of collecting products such as plants, mushrooms and vegetables, it gives us the opportunity to grow and develop them in our own farm. To grow the products we want, we must have the seeds of that product . naturally referred to as fiber instead of seeds)The way of obtaining the seeds is either we get the seeds of the product that we collect while collecting, or we can buy ready-made seeds from the market, or we can buy seeds from seed sellers in some cities. Also, the seeds or fibers of some products can take up more space in your field, on the fence, for example, a sunflower slot takes up a space, and a pepper. The product will take up two slots in your field, and you will get better quality products as the seeds develop, I will talk about this later.

To buy seeds and fences, find Npc. Just type fence or seed, the game will direct you to the relevant npc. Do not forget to capitalize the first letter when searching, otherwise the system does not detect the Npc name exactly.

As in the picture, there is a find npc option in the upper right corner of the screen, you can easily reach the npc you are looking for by clicking here.

As the priority we need for farming, we must have a certain contribution point. We can increase the contribution points by delivering the special items that come out of chemistry and cooking to the NPCs. We need to buy a fence for our farm with these contribution points we have accumulated. The fences you can use in the game are as follows;

Worn Fence

You can get this fence with the help of quest and it is only one slot

Little Fence

A fence of four slots that you can get with three contribution points

Just Fence

A fence of seven slots that you can get with six contribution points

Strong Fence

A fence of ten slots you can buy with ten contribution points and one of the largest fences in the game

Old Moon Fence

It is a fence of ten slots that you can get with ten contribution points. It is the second largest fence in the game.

I should mention that there is an area that all fences cover according to the number of slots.

With the March 23, 2022 (Wednesday) Update, the task of getting 1 free 10 slot fence has been added to the game, I have added the necessary information about how you can get this fence at the end of the topic.

The dimensions as shown in the picture are:

1-) Strong fence

2-) plain fence

3-) Small fence Worn Fence and Old Moon fence

You can have a maximum of ten fences in the game, you should pay attention to this, so if your contribution points are enough, it is to buy ten strong fences at the beginning.

Now here is a situation like this, when the strong fence is so big with ten slots, why is the ten-slot Old Moon fence again a small old moon fence, and it requires master 1 level farming skill to use it, your other characters who are not at master 1 level cannot use this fence, you need to pay attention to it The advantage is that it is smaller and has ten slots. Imagine how much space it will take when you try to set up ten Strong fences in one place. This is where the Old Moon fence comes into play. It allows you to set up your farm in smaller areas, so you can farm more comfortably wherever you want.

Now everything is ready, let's go to farming, first we need to determine a place to set up our fence. There is temperature information, groundwater information, humidity information in the game. You can access this information by pressing M on the upper right part of the map, since every plant does not like every climate, these affect the growth rate and stay in the game for a long time. and if you are constantly looking after your farm, then the place where you plant the plants becomes important, the growth rate of the products planted in the appropriate climate is high, anyway.

For those who will just start farming, start this job with the main character, not your main character, because it can cause you trouble when grinding in a far place where you will have to go to the field and collect all the time.

Now, after determining the place where we will place our fence, how will we farm, first we click on the fence we bought and the placement part opens, be careful to place the fence at the bottom when placing the fence, I will explain the reason later. Also, when you want to remove the fence, there should be nothing planted in it or you can click on the fence and lift the products you planted from the inside, then remove the fence. With the option, you can remove your fence and take it on yourself. The fences that have not been used for a long time will automatically go to the warehouse of the region in which they are located, and if there is any product that you have planted, all of them will be deleted.

Since we have set up our fence, we are ready to plant and grow our products. First, we come on the fence we have built and choose the option to switch to Placement mode, and we select the seed we want to grow from the menu and plant it.

1-) Carrot Seed

2-) High Quality Carrot Seed

3-) Special Carrot Seed

4-) Magical Carrot Seed

5-) Mysterious Carrot Seed

To produce seeds in 3 and 4 options, special conditions and farming skills are required, which I will talk about later.

The product I planted takes up a slot. At the top left, how many slots your fence has and how much space is left. Now everything is ready, you have planted your product, the only thing you have to do is to wait for your product to grow, of course, there are some factors that affect this. While your product is growing, it may be attacked by insects. this will cause you to buy less product and slow down the growth rate of your product. What should be done to get rid of this situation? There are a few main ways to do this. When your products are damaged, you need to go and maintain them. This way is very troublesome, but it is the best way to keep farming. You can get it in different products, herb sharp etc. as The nice thing about increasing the farming level is that you can harvest the products faster, you can clean and maintain them, and the energy spent is less, for example, if you spend one energy on a gathering, when the farming lvl rises, it has a few more advantages such as collecting faster and collecting faster. still

If we go back to our topic, you can send workers to your field, your worker will take care of all these works and you don't have to deal with anything and you don't need to connect a node to send workers to your field, you can choose your worker from the other side of the world and send them to the field. The products will grow faster thanks to the workers. In order to send workers, you just need to select the fence you want to plow, you can see it in detail in the picture below.

We press the gardener part as it is seen in the picture, we select the fence we want to send a worker from the information section and say list it, we choose our worker from the section that comes out and send it to that fence.

As you can see in the picture, the product is already infested, and the "kill the filth" tab is on. Now if we want, we can clean our plant and get farming exp.

If you want your crops to grow more efficiently and faster, you can irrigate and fertilize your field . If you set up the fences at the bottom, if you go to the middle part and do watering and fertilizing, you will be watered and fertilized on the fences next to you and you will have less trouble.

Again, as it can be seen in the picture, our plant needs to be at least 100% to get the product from our plant whose growth has been completed and has reached 100%. Even if it exceeds it, it doesn't matter much. In the past, the plants that were not taken care of for a very long time were rotting, but it was removed with the incoming updates, so it doesn't matter if it is above 100%. Don't think that you will get double the product when you reach 200, you usually buy random products in a certain number of intervals, now there are two things you need to do here. Do you want to improve your product and get a better seed, or do you want to collect the product, if you harvest your product, you will get the product at the same level as the product you planted, if you plant quality product, quality product if you planted a special crop you will get a special cropand your farmerIf you are at the Craftsman level or above, you can buy and use the Magic Seeds I have mentioned in the table, and you will have a chance to get Magical Fruit with a certain chance, and sometimes you will get a Mysterious Seed to your luck. I will mention all


By-products are the extra plant parts you get when you develop your products. Let's talk about Immature Fruit Mutant Plant Seed Root Bitten by a Bird Rotted Plant and Unusual Fruit allow you to make Stonetail Bait using simple cooking from the processing tab . You can earn additional income by selling Stonetail bait or get a dream horse. You can use it to.

For more detailed information about dream horses, you can refer to the topic in the link below.

Magical Fruits

Magical fruit is another by-product we obtain while developing our products, so what is the use of magical fruit ? Therefore, the easiest and most profitable way is farming. We need to plant products according to the magical fruit we want to obtain.

Fruit of Abundance: Hot Pepper-Sunflower-Onion-Strawberry-Grape

Magic Fruit: Flax-Fireflake Flower-Silver Azalea-Sunrise Herb-Silk Honey Grass-Dry Mane Grass

Nature Fruit: Barley-Acacia-Fereke-Dalvenia Alrea-Nolina-Potato-Bouquet Mushroom-Purple Mushroom-Carrot

Fruit of the Sun : Wheat-Tomato-Corn-Paprika

Crimson Flame Fruit: Pumpkin-Pepper-Garlic-Chili-Garlic-Olive

Fruit of Perfection: Bluff Mushroom-Cloud Mushroom-Arrow Mushroom-Fog Mushroom

Fruit of Magical Power: Emperor Mushroom- Seer Mushroom-Humpback Mushroom-Tiger Mushroom

Fruit of Destruction: Amanita Mushroom-Dwarf Mushroom-Sky Mushroom-Ghost Mushroom-Ancient Mushroom

Deep Sea Fruit: Deep sea fruit waist can only find coral etc under the sea with luck. obtained when collecting items

Special Seeds

In order to obtain the magical seeds, your farming level needs to be craftsman and by developing the special products you plant, you will get the magical seeds of those products. you get the magical seed of that plant, let's see the benefits of the magical seed, the magical seed takes up more space than other seeds, when the seeds or fibers with one slot are magical, the seeds with five slots and two slots, and when the fibers are magical, they take up ten slots in your farm, but a product that takes up five slots is almost five special products gives as much material as Magical Fruit throwing rates are also high. You can't put the magical fruit seeds you buy on the market, but you can sell them to NPCs at very good prices. The price range is around 300k-350k silver per seed on average, and the By-Product throwing rate is high, as the number of products in the field decreases, the workers work more efficiently and you take longer time to collect the products. you don't bother

 Mysterious Seed

While developing our products, I mentioned that we obtained the Mysterious Seed , so what does this mysterious seed do?

Mysterious Seed can be combined with other products to obtain a Mystery product. There are two ways to do this.

If you shake with a Mysterious Seed+a Special Plant Seed of your choice from the Processing tab, one of that particular Mystery Seed

you will receive

If you shake it from the Processing tab with Five Mysterious Seeds +A Magical Seed of a Plant of Your Choice, you'll get five of that product's Mystery Seed

What is the use of the Mysterious Seeds we get with plant seeds? They also take up a lot of space on the farm like Magical Seeds. Like five and ten slots, the biggest features of these products are that they give a lot of 150-250 products and when they try to develop them, they do not produce seeds and give 100% magical fruit directly.

Animal Breeding

I think I've mentioned everything about growing plants on the farm so far, except for that, there is the opportunity      to raise animals on the farm as needed . We can develop this product as well as plants, or we know collectively, when we develop it, it can develop as Good Chicken Feed and Special Chicken Feed.

The only benefit of the development is to get more chicken meat and eggs when harvested, but since these products are collected by hiring noda workers, there is almost no one dealing with this business.

Let's get to the cow breeding business, for this, you have to buy 50 Grass and choose to dry it from the processing window. At the end of this process, you will get a Hay Pile . This product takes up four places in your farm, you can place this product on your farm and develop it. When you develop it, you first get High Quality Hay Pile and then when you develop it , you get Special Hay Pile . when you harvest straw you will get Milk - Ox Hide - Beef also you will get more crops from special straw

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